I have mentioned in a couple posts books about Santeria and Palo Mayombe written by Carlos Montenegro. After some research it seems to be what I suggested in one of my earlier posts, two authors same name.
Carlos Montenegro who's book I have used and was an authentic practitioner of and wrote about Palo and Santeria, but died in 1981
The other author Carlos Antonio De Bourbon-Galdiano-Montenegro (who's book I have on Palo) last published his works in 2012 on Quimbanda and their spirit kingdoms. He published several of these info and work books about different kingdoms in the same year. As WillowDarkWytch said there is no way he could be initiated in all of the subjects he writes about (Voodoo, Santeria, Quimbanda etc).
So anything written after 1981 or by the name of Carlos Antonio De Bourbon-Galdiano-Montenegro is not the original (or authentic) Carlos Montenegro.
Just thought I share my findings
The Two Carlos Montenegro's
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