Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

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Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

Post by Super_Force »

Hello and thank you. This place seems kind of dead. Hopefully, y’all have a discord server… Anyway…

About three years ago, I performed a magick ritual from the Joy of Satan website, founded by Maxine Dietrich, that dedicated my soul to Satan/Lucifer. I never looked back ever since and I’m happy with what I did, even though most of the time I pretend to be a Christian to avoid unwanted attention. However, I have two main issues with Dietrich’s Satanism…

Firstly, her hatred of Jewish people. My favorite author is Jewish, sooo…

Secondly, her promotion of racial purity. So as an Asian man, her Satanism is against me dating and having sex with any woman who isn’t Asian. I have major issues with that.

My question is… Can I still benefit from doing the magick practices in Dietrich’s Joy of Satan website without adhering to those two rules of hers? I have a few Jewish friends and I wanna keep dating my white girlfriend.


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Re: Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

Post by WildWolf »

Satanism is a broad current, I'd absorb the tech and stay away from cults of personality and pedestals. Systems that demand adherence to "rigid" ideology.....are.....problematic. Think less "dogma" and more South Park satan, in terms of how you to approach one's studies.

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Re: Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

Post by Super_Force »

WildWolf wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:13 pm Satanism is a broad current, I'd absorb the tech and stay away from cults of personality and pedestals. Systems that demand adherence to "rigid" ideology.....are.....problematic. Think less "dogma" and more South Park satan, in terms of how you to approach one's studies.
Thank you sir. So let me get this straight...

Firstly, you're saying there are many types, styles, and flavors of Satanism?

Secondly, you're saying I'm free to absorb Maxine Dietrich's methods but can stay away from her bullshit Neo-Nazi, racial purity ideologies? Will using her methods work for me if I'm competent enough even if I don't believe her Nazi teachings?

Thirdly, the point you're trying to make about following the South Park style of Satanism is to see it as just another scientific tool to make my life better, but without preaching the ideologies of a certain cult?

Are those right?

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Re: Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

Post by WildWolf »

Super_Force wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:45 pm
WildWolf wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:13 pm Satanism is a broad current, I'd absorb the tech and stay away from cults of personality and pedestals. Systems that demand adherence to "rigid" ideology.....are.....problematic. Think less "dogma" and more South Park satan, in terms of how you to approach one's studies.
Thank you sir. So let me get this straight...

Firstly, you're saying there are many types, styles, and flavors of Satanism?

Secondly, you're saying I'm free to absorb Maxine Dietrich's methods but can stay away from her bullshit Neo-Nazi, racial purity ideologies? Will using her methods work for me if I'm competent enough even if I don't believe her Nazi teachings?

Thirdly, the point you're trying to make about following the South Park style of Satanism is to see it as just another scientific tool to make my life better, but without preaching the ideologies of a certain cult?

Are those right?
1. Yes, there are innumerable books on the topic.

2. Always separate the chaff from the wheat. Take what is useful....discard what is not.

3. Open exploration and dialogue is key......dogma encourages stagnation and you don't want to be swimming in a stagnant pool. Always evolve.

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Re: Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

Post by Super_Force »

WildWolf wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 7:05 pm
Super_Force wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:45 pm
WildWolf wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:13 pm Satanism is a broad current, I'd absorb the tech and stay away from cults of personality and pedestals. Systems that demand adherence to "rigid" ideology.....are.....problematic. Think less "dogma" and more South Park satan, in terms of how you to approach one's studies.
Thank you sir. So let me get this straight...

Firstly, you're saying there are many types, styles, and flavors of Satanism?

Secondly, you're saying I'm free to absorb Maxine Dietrich's methods but can stay away from her bullshit Neo-Nazi, racial purity ideologies? Will using her methods work for me if I'm competent enough even if I don't believe her Nazi teachings?

Thirdly, the point you're trying to make about following the South Park style of Satanism is to see it as just another scientific tool to make my life better, but without preaching the ideologies of a certain cult?

Are those right?
1. Yes, there are innumerable books on the topic.

2. Always separate the chaff from the wheat. Take what is useful....discard what is not.

3. Open exploration and dialogue is key......dogma encourages stagnation and you don't want to be swimming in a stagnant pool. Always evolve.
In case I don't wanna do any of Maxine Dietrich's Satanism anymore, do you know of any guides or books out there that can give me a complete system of spiritual advancement or magick or meditation that I can use for independent spiritual practice?

I have this book called "The Magik of Lucifer". I forgot the author's name. I can grab it for you... I heard it's good for beginners.

Of course, I did my homework. I saw somewhere here a list of recommendations for books. I can look at it again if need be. But what would you personally recommend?

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Re: Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

Post by WildWolf »

A lot of these sources aren't specifically devoted to LHP stuff....but give occult tech that you can apply to the path of your choosing. Best of luck.

-Strategic Sorcery
-Rune Soup

-Become the Maelstrom by D.H. Thorne
-Six Ways by Aidan Wachter
-Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller
-Real Sorcery by Jason Miller
-Elements of Spellcrafting by jason Miller

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Re: Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

Post by Super_Force »

WildWolf wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:45 pm A lot of these sources aren't specifically devoted to LHP stuff....but give occult tech that you can apply to the path of your choosing. Best of luck.

-Strategic Sorcery
-Rune Soup

-Become the Maelstrom by D.H. Thorne
-Six Ways by Aidan Wachter
-Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller
-Real Sorcery by Jason Miller
-Elements of Spellcrafting by jason Miller
Thanks. Whenever you say "tech", what exactly do you mean? Technology? Technique? Technical skills?

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Re: Beginner in the Occult, soul dedicated to Satan. Need help.

Post by WildWolf »

Super_Force wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:56 pm
WildWolf wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:45 pm A lot of these sources aren't specifically devoted to LHP stuff....but give occult tech that you can apply to the path of your choosing. Best of luck.

-Strategic Sorcery
-Rune Soup

-Become the Maelstrom by D.H. Thorne
-Six Ways by Aidan Wachter
-Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller
-Real Sorcery by Jason Miller
-Elements of Spellcrafting by jason Miller
Thanks. Whenever you say "tech", what exactly do you mean? Technology? Technique? Technical skills?
Occult Tech-Knowledge.

Spellcasting, Evocation, Channeling, Divination....these are all different types of occult tech....drilling for oil...acquiring gnosis is the goal.

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