a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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another is with 12 by 36 minutes there are 36 by 108 minutes and after 576 minutes there are 144 points.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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giant docks out in the ocean would be amazing and awesome with ships anchored into their occult resting places while walking on floating dock plane shore to get Pina coladas and coconuts and pineapples and all things vegan and trading magic artifacts

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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figuring out things like these with even more and more branching out there ways is the name of the path, so its just about finding the math and path to make them work with the sun and stars and clouds and the the four minute hour glass. there is a 324 per 3 heartbeats so there are 27 per minute and 81 per three, so there are 243 per nine minutes thus by 27 overalls per minute there are 324 per nine minutes making a 108 per 9 minutes by its overall vortex storm value good for each of the 16 groups of nine in 144 minutes to see as a storm laying around.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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time keeping cesium and actually 137 would be good for turning it into gold. good luck mentalism mentalist sailors.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by Amor »

What results have you achieved?

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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thallium with atomic number 81 boiling and denoted as 144 in the golden ratio with 144 or 137 mixed within having atomic number 55 which with golden ratio cube intelligence of controlling conjumblement fusion between hardnesses alignments of work focus conjunctions with the controlling of contortion charges can bring the said 144 into a 55 two numbers less lessening at a rate of pulse charges spreading stable electrovibrational culturable aligned rich spots into mixing vortex maths which are there to destabilize atoms and in turn make gold with electro pulses such as the 324 per three heartbeats making progress within entire time aligned with cesium zones that are overall and of 108 values being the field of correspondence.
~I just sort of plopped out

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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Amor wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 1:32 am What results have you achieved?
just the birth plop but that is what I hope would work. along with mental cente3ring ritual during full moon flexing and moon orbits all pushing and jumping from equinox and solstice pool sides, while following the deepening and thickening of the energizing of the atomic fields which can in turn change the atomic structures. with probably much to add but I think this is the main gist at least from what we have here, and not to forget night and day work to "fold" over atomic strings to break apart through ignition from the nights dark matter energy accuracy of its subtle power and intensely deep fixation to definition in the mind of the one who needs to start a part of the experiment going towards timing. structure order chaos chaos, structure timing chaos chaoswithalignmentattheend, structure timing chaoswithalignmentatthebeginning, structure timing chaoswithalignmentattheend chaos, structure timing chaos chaoswithalignmentattheend, as scientific method and 36s of 144 processes stage names.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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thermal conductivity for thallium is 46 which is 2 less than 48 and 48 is a third so 2 missing from a third of 144 gives 79 the atomic of gold, so that shows promise.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

JMPtD wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 3:39 am https://youtu.be/B3A_wfLasT4?si=v8doqobYvckYGx7K
WoooooOOOHh one more tingy here.

There are the six quantums of creation in the object construction of the magic artifact science work. The largest sixth is there as for design like a good harmonical silver/copper gold while these designs are made to control the forms of of creations based upon the forms of the general magic sphere layers and times of the distance rings layers themselves so they are what are called the happenings of the present; these are like the wire vines or fractaling of kaleidoscope horizon sailing. The second cellular and fibric place of the 81 scales general aiming philosophy are there as the scalar determination of the alignment of however invisible or balanced or invincible all for each of the solids and liquids and gasses while the third largest quantum is the quantum packaging stuffing that is between this second largest quantum. This third is there as a cube which is as a cube with four wires in each of the edges fused working together at corners and belonging to each side while this is as 109 atoms for the distance of each edge, while there are three wires for three d and then there is a fourth wire for time; this is a projection of the truth of the matter to give the forms of creation design at the basic metaphysical level. <- try to make this kethered actually instead of the smallest in shuddle run activity to the other side and back for the game of the other side with the passion which comes from the bios and goes and astros.

The third largest works as insulation from the saturation atmospherics and impacts for this fourth size which is the third smallest and this third smallest is made of electrons which are fuel being bits of information for the cubes of creation. The second smallest is as of the golden ratios which create the 1s and 0s at the perceiving tendency set design in this setting of metaphysics, so the twelve points which come from the level of 9 and 3 are what give us ultimately values of a matrix which is working as an axis between the smallest 6th quantum of which it reaches into for material as well as to the general gravity tunnel setting for the 3rd smallest sent through an atmospheric electrons by evaporation so they can rain as they are that which fulfill the cubes of simulation which of course are stabilized and fit for magic further at the larger 2nd largest and 1st largest scales of quantum. Here is for the second smallest quantum:
There is a matrix which repeats the same values to create three thirds of possibility which make sense with the charge values of the three triangles. The first and primordial row being the only one at the level of three on the 81 scales is 1,5,34; the second row is 1,8,55; the third row is 2,13(aquatic signature for the primordial balance of the top 13 points for example here on the 81 scales),89; the fourth row is 3,21,144. The sums of each row give from first to fourth, 40, 64,104,168, and the small number subtracted from adjacent pairs here give us three numbers which are, 24,40,64, so these numbers repeat which means 168 is an overall negative cloud matter energy boundary limit force and sign cloud of the holy of hollies which can be the point of it’s well, nevertheless still ketterly direction of a shuddle runner trainers qlipoth leader. So the sums of each column are 7,47,322 and these numbers are importand for 144 to 137 activation keys of work to be done as chores for this wizardly work. Now we have 6 squares of quintics which have distance size packages or energy point values or initial stage options of sending superpositions, and these values which repeat four times for each side of the square which are squares of one of the six are these, 24s, 40s, 64s, which could be the order or structure three while the other would be of these three: 7, 47, 322 (keep in mind these last three are to be of a functioning alignment of the conceptual derivative values of the evocative speeds (81^6,81^9,81^11) which are able to be called constantly present themselves which is like how the 3 of four wires of the cube work perhaps being wishy washy between which are any of the four sets of groups of three mentioned here in the matrix. So those 6 squares of quintic are measured by one triangle of whatever general time of the 576 minutes of the science system someone is within during the active magic time of alchemy, and so there really are three values used for different types of values as well like the squares while the overall principle of time here for the fourth set of 144 minutes combines the options triangle charge etc values which is a play of mind which explains what would work for the fourth dimension wire of the cube being an overall optimism throughout the overall 144 minutes out of 576 minutes which can use each evocative as per time and more artistic closer and closer harmonies; hereby in time out of quintim place to astro base epistemology. The triangle values come from the sum of the square values while we then get 504 which is a balancing aquatic value on its own being the balance point between a more wizardly and sorcerer half each of the 4 day spell for example or of a 108 year spell which can give general construction model for the special specific 4 day spells of a value of 1008 having each day be a value of the 24 year harmonic as 324 moon orbits which is in this system quite a bit, so the numbers there are perhaps those numbers in a more filled astronomical magic but otherwise perhaps we could say they are each / 6 which would give us 42, 84, 168; these triangles are used actively being six squares quaint bound in matrix. Of all of the stuff learned so far on yogaforums.com in the one kind method for yoga as well as circle significance ^-^ 360 relevance post as well as the posts by JMPtD on here or on wizardforums.com, it may take a year or two to get the knowledge fully saturated in your mindfulness going and active.
The smallest quantum is just of course as what is channeled to is being what is from an energy psi ball like a .2953 or 2.953 feet ball which can the. Put that into a wizardly .002953 and then that into the harmonics of the quantum wave surfing rates all the way through to the last level at the sixth which can then be riled in deep meditation for the negative charge which is the nature of what then would find gender halves of a wizardly ball and its general polarity which thrusts it away from the smaller infinities without special need and then sends it to and through the system to the larger and eventual biogeorealm.

the grid matrix of where 55 and 89 and 144 are held here entail the numbers 64,104,168 from the rows and 322 from the column, so a radius away from the points of aiming for a line would be at perhaps 450 from 24, 40, 64 as the subtractions as well as the 322 which is there as it is its original value so these added up are 450, and that as the distance aimed for or at least in range is good for where the charges should be applied at whatever scale for electromagnetic finesse.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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not to forget that 436 {109x4} times the size of an atom is a cloud that may be like a sun rich in magnetism which keeps atoms of many shades of dark matter so that it illuminates its vibration as one and creates matter in our dimension, so this 3rd largest out of 6 quantums may be best nuetralized with a blast electro vibration about that size to destroy the atomic structures of even perhaps any thing around and we could all see how that might get us directly to mercury and to golf from there perhaps by the turning off of atomic density vibration and then settling into the space with a slower gross effect geo vibration.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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also 450 - 436 is 14 which is like the two sevens from the split night and day which gives us the 252's golden ratio 81 scales which can split the intensity and coherence of the atom

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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dont forget about the f_i_eeeeeld of correspondence

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by Amor »

JMPtD wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 1:48 am.. while following the deepening and thickening of the energizing of the atomic fields...
When did you see that happen?

What did you do to trigger it?

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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ion my mind only so, actually, and it was of a meaning between wondering about how the strength of things has a sacred geometry in equations of physics which deal with ripples and calculus of exponential effect while noticing that the electrons are far out from the source in the beauty of the physics we commonly speak through nowadays anyways in that very astronomical way. thats a helpful question to ponder by that effect of imagining the cube yesterday fro that math vortex understanding of saturations heavy with thallium mixed with the solute of cesium which can create those ripples to the purifying into equational aptitude(just thought of this word and wondered why and then put together some inspirational words in an abbriviational way while then around that time of creating goodness of mind actually hearing the words its victory before my Mom's prayer time I was included in talked of goodness of fortune in Isaiah ch61vs1-3 which also anyways was before your sudden interest out of the chaos of reality or order in the chronology of happenings) which can create gold.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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these good samyama parts of something for samyama can include some more astronomical perhaps owing the evokativational types of speed aquirements to something more basic and of the nourishing goodness as some bardly artistic and inspirational words of amen to the awen can do.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_rMJemhHLY om shanti bless for some good music
the 3 heartbeats give a 324 and after a minute there is 27 so after three minutes there is 81 o4 108 so after 9 minutes there is another 324 and we can see where that is going, how towards four 144 minutes or 108s a day of the 576 minute 144 angle of 360 per 24 hours, but if the three heartbeats is of another customization of nature which uses 108s within its building of 3 heartbeats by having a 324 per heartbeat giving an overall laying form of 108 per heartbeat to stack on, then it comes from shifting to the fastest being 6561 (which is 81^6 in the overall system being the basic limit and the wizards/invisible evocative speed) per heartbeat, so with a 324 now per 3 scales per heartbeat the ripples ingrain wisdom strength of 4 day intelligence in the realm of 4 sets of 144 consciousness model value points throughout the 4 144s of 576 minutes which no longer only belong to those 4 sets of 144 minutes themselves as 108s but are now fusing by shrinking the scope to more specific accountancy with 4 day spells being shrunk as more overall ratios fitting into a 576 of a day.
Last edited by JMPtD on Wed Jan 08, 2025 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

JMPtD wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2025 2:42 pm model
a[9 minutes of 36 minutes] b[9 minutes of 36 minutes] c[9 minutes of 36 minutes] d[9 minutes of 36 minutes]

a{something big as value of 30} b{something long as value of 24 years} c{something adventurative as value of 18} c{something blossoming with 5th as the bland harmony of blossom rate and pieces along the way being an aquatic ratio signature}

~incorporate 30 with 70 from physics equation
~let the ten small cubes from 10,000 nautical miles each aligned with the 100,000 wisdom intelligence be turned into 100 inch harmonic (by 95,000 realization it could be about then oh say 90 inches at the top of namaskaram pose) by 100 cube boxes for each xyz separately in each direction having 100. 8 boxes advancing a direct or carrier or internal ratio value of 3 times for a 24 year harmonic, and an internal layered-like within a meditation pause/prep 12 coming from 18 though 3 times for each of the thirds out of nine plus the next 9 minutes to reach the end of the three sets of four minutes (in this order always giving respect to the weave in magick) or also do the third set of nine's 18 principle for the two sets before it likewise always being able to work through while in a way at times displaced from the source it is just tuning, and the 18 principle of the nines on either side of the activated 9 within this 27 of 81 can open realm splitting the then revealed and illuminated and om shanti blessed veil giving credence to the middle activated nine while having an advanced philosophy superposition by the position of the chaos philosophy being the third set of 9 minutes in some level of literality or jest. the 30 comes from each. 24 x 3 =72 and of 14400, there are 10, 72s which give us a sun which is 30 sets of 24; a green box gives us a tesseract with a sun inside. there are 20 sets of these 30 in an equational 14400.
~there is eneergy of knowledge used from the known of and understood vibration and frequency wisdom between the 100 small box sides and the larger 10th of mile made from small boxes, while there is to consider and incorporate how the 100 sided of small boxes is also made of directly larger boxes on its own leaving room for mentalist as the realms of the variables in physics is more and even for both and also vise versa.
~the boxes can grow from threex8 to 96 from inside to outside as a wizard spell or as an environmental chi mage base point, while it can grow opposite direction for an environmental chi mage spell or a wizard building block point as the vise versa, or it can grow from the outside in or middle out with out in as the standard here for by basic moksha intuition of phsycia reality formulating which gives a sorcerer spell motor or point.
~there are tenxtenxten small boxes at the center of the 100 boxes because there is a 5 box distance sun diameter which is of the innumerable potential tendency shades as there is another box on the other side with a gold yellow sun inside of it for example, while this can turn to a white or black grey or just more mediocre grey which can be of a slightly disk shaped sun which is there as what can be bigger than just 5 diameter even while still having 5 boxes distance the other way at the same time even, while this energy may be absorbed by a box energizing which can be the purpose of the first 9 minutes of a 36 here, while the second 9 minutes is used for again the different spells or points of your optimism, while the busting buwow:)est of the energies into the 4 distance box remaining with 2 on either side being in direct contact or the other two forms being more and more separated which can then have the energies channeled for the final absorption into any manifestation or reaction ratios which were stored there in the 4 boxes so that the initial material and any more resin designed specialties of the four boxes distance carrier zone can be used as spell ingredients or as a spell guiding coherence in a simulatory way having a stronger base constant on it's own by using the box, while otherwise it can be used for the symbolic logic of completing any math or physics or chemistry equation therein the purpose of the physics equations which can be worked at there.
~the box in general can be of the core focus of the genereel magic spheer layers of the times of the day even for the wizard as their body is working along side of it, while the recommendation here is to keep the tendency of the sky coherence on the bottom of the box and the coherence of the ground coherence on the top of the box even during the day, but to keep it that way at night as well so that the alignment is strong and rooted in relapsing days with no end rooting you deeper into your own reality.
things can connect here
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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by Amor »

Amor wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:24 am
JMPtD wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 1:48 am.. while following the deepening and thickening of the energizing of the atomic fields...
When did you see that happen?

What did you do to trigger it?
Any progress?

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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here is it matie

some harmonics for more basic here, astronomical magic and in turn nonastrological as well...:
when we have a cube from a tripple shrunk 100,000 nautical mile diameters, we get an easy snug fitting 25 balls across in the form of a line of the cube. so, a general relativity gravity equation uses 8xpi, and that is harmonic to what we get at 25 balls of the astrogeo cube. The astro geo cube, which is trippple shrunk or a derivative of it like 8 cubes across for three directions or 10, is namely four x six plus one more point to get 25 while the harmonic is about a third being harmonic to a fourth whereas a fourth is on point because 4 x 7 is 28 while one third and here as .324 or .333 is what comes in handy for some fields of correspondence such as in this basic gravity energy control cube and this harmonic is great because when the diameter of the earth is 7 out of 14400, then the suns which is about 5 percent of that or in otherwords 720 out of 1440(a tenth of 14400) and then since the sun is slightly larger than this on the astronomical scale we can say it is worth about 6.324 or 6.333 earths more than that 5 percent. so 6.324 fits with 6x4 as a harmonic and of 1/4 as a harmonic of 6.324

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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JMPtD wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2025 3:59 pm Gμν = 8πGTμν
this is about entanglement of gravity

8 x pi is 25.1327412287 and this is important because it is how many resting wizardly (25) inside of a box by that a box is half of a double shrunk 100 mile jiggly while a jiggly would hold 50 wizardlys since a 100 wizardly length at string form would be there as 100 across a .2953 feet.

G is the strength for speed of gravity while this factor is the most advanced within calculus while we like to only count to nine here or even 81 while 6561 or also of course 8100 is understood for the actual work that can be done while if a smaller number then the more vortex (the strength which comes from a box grid flex in accumulable mathematics) math is involved and the more of a conceptual equational mapping using metaphysics of grand purpose yet there especially whatever as yet again or at least as the basic stanza as standard promotion of method which is from the astro through geo through then quantum in the mind of the bio reasons and bio limits which bring great wisdom intelligence and create great spiritual and yet anyways also growth strength.

T is the period of oscillation which is important because the 25 has a catching frame which obsorbs from open doors from up that path of the greater slide of calculus which gives (nse of open doors Albert https://www.youtube.com/live/yiMdUEWx3_ ... zEa6r7NlVc lolol give thanks to the doors of heaven as that is enough fo0r all people, are you ready for that humble move in your life) while the vortex would capture whatever strength of bits by the number of particles that light works like being as which has the value of the particles within as these particles are able to be scanned there to count the strength of the gravity by the speed in the context to the type and amount of mass of the substance that saturated the strings and their aura as both solvents which are there as what can bring pulls on the space fabric which has additionally fusion which keeps the fabric pulling in like the sun burning sucking in outer space which works along with the crossing magnetics like explained in the magne3tic grid which can have the gravity of the synchronization which is of the bigger frequencies that can still be fused down by auracoherence energy melting burn which can shrink down the greater ratios which come from a less particular and greater gravity while this pulls things in and when in alignment to the source of the object of which gravity pulls to the rate of the objects fusion absorption, there then there the acceleration is greater.

μ is the period of friction by that the amount of fusion that is happening by the general feeding from coherent or from the finer fitting of the chemicals will therefore create a denser saturation of which of the correct matter will give the gravity a stronger stablizing basefreeze or meltforge constant while the general burn is able to create the fusion of the even just vibration frequency quantum collected having collected the astronomical or geo status which then through the aligned coherence there it makes another coherence to the object being pulled itself which can then use that frequency of the more general relativity in the geo and quantum to cohere to the astronomical geo gravity alignments making the resource of energy within the aura very efficient and enough so to be super gravitated.
here is that harmonic equation
also the 6.324 is one of those percents out of 100 percent for 100 being worth 14400, so this number as one fourth plus 6 x 4 is then 25 and so .324 would be only .296 {4x.324} which is from the 1.296 which is from that same number in the boxes and is really close to as a harmonic to the 25.1327412287, and 1.296 from 4 x .324, + 1 from the fourth of a percent is 2.296, and then that / 2 like between the heaven's sky, and earth or thirds and fourths of survival magic then give you a close number being 1.148 so (6x4)+1.148 giving 25.148 is even closer
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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

also we can do this exercise to get how to channel recorded knowledge along with how to store it into the knowledge from quantums while the general relativity here is able to show by the need for the gravity control and in one of the ways especially at the level of how harmonics of the balls and cubes and 144,137.5,137 ratios can work together to constantly have leverage in constant efficient motion to control the energy and frequency and vibrations of those energies and frequencies. so the thing is to imagine a hand size tenth of the body height ball with 200 wizardly .002953 of a sixth of the body height which comes from one body height condensed, type of balls which are within one centered .2953 ball from a tenth of a mile and in another dimensional shade of coherence is are a low and a heigh .2953 ball being a more magnetic base gravity ball of more general relativity low and a more electro magnetic gravity ball heigh, while the bottom 50 wizardly balls all resting in a vertical line are balls to be controlled by their own 3dimensional aspects of their own direct literal programs controlling with a subtle shade of magic energy for these deeply raw and perhaps more resting ratio rich balls, while the next 50 up are slightly charged but balanced to be lifted by charge also sending it up to have more powerful control force as these ones are in the middle .2953 ball of its own shade which is a ball that is condensed energy to bring the electromagnetic energy into the equation at the basic level of what is not entirely wizardly but is sorcererly and is working with wizardly balls that are the half of the hand size ball below the center of the ball and wizardly balls that are the half of a hand size ball above the center, while the third level up is the level very charged but getting lifted more than before by ratios not in proportion but with even more external ratios though that is because they are not as general gravity rich but are even more middle ball gravity rich along with bottom half of top third ball which is the one that not only is there as a general power ball but is helping control the balls which are still more energized than the 100 below these 50, and the top and last 50 balls are of where momentum is present and are in a realm of controlling by the dominant attribute of not ratios but instead it is power. and the bits that are info coming out of the top trajectory are of energies that circulate going back to the base by the programming of these psi thought forms which are now refreshed by time context of the relativities of the happening's super positions of leverage and opportunity simply so that the ratios down below are nevertheless easily able to fit into the time equation of happenings and environment and are able to become of course more and more powerful by their superposition of power phrased based harmonization balancing.

the top of each .2953 ball is control by timing in power control, the middle is control by shape of ball mindfully coordinating the balls inside, the bottom of ball is controlled dominantly by the programmings trajectory found in the small balls themselves which the bottom of the big ball can stimulate with electricity branches and vibration to activate a level of presence if needed beyond the balls being controlled on their own. the idea is to control the balls nevertheless by keeping them in a straight or straighter vertical line while integrating the principles of each set of 50 as quarters of 200.

imagine the bottom 50 as having 144 angle glowing with a half sized ball within each ball while this wisdom is of intelligence empowered with the enchantments of 24 years, while the next type of coherence are of balls with 137.5 angle up activation which are enchanted with 252 ratios and takes on strong inflections as the centerpower ball and it causes by the reflexions it poses, the next 50 balls are enchanted with 252 in 3x 9y samyama synching with the constant of gravity found in structure tensions of cubes for examples as well as channeling sources of electromagnetic coherence from any objectlikewise and is pulsing within and without and in and out of 137.5 and 137, and the last 50 are synchronized with aura suck internally from general object condensation coherence and the pull moving externally from any quantum entanglement condensations both of the internal and external of the last 50 being in a deep constant of the golden ratio 81 scales as a constant 137 in theory and choice of action. the 144 angle balls at the top finished with the process being recycled fill nevertheless each 25's 144 level to give fresh timely context of energization except gifts of special dehering particles used for something else though there are basic consciousness physics laws that are just there as basic laws that need to be there in order for use of anything like the availability of all things are.

86.51 comes from 8640 ratio and the 86 of which came from a larger 137 which is the branches of the rose bush which grows new .51s or .5s petals, so the 51 missing from 137 to get 86 is there found in the special specific design of the proporitem artifact ~ as the .51s or .5s are following the decimal in a way that has the specific value as a general constant for those parts of which it occurs and is relative to being the petals, and so the 40 is the activation side while there is a general layout of activation in the 86 side being as the underlying 216 or 60 percent side opposite to the 40 percent symbolic side in the 86.40 ratio which comes from 86.40 days, so the thing to consider is how 864000 has 4000 in the shadows and these points can be owed to the 4 sets of 144 minutes in 576 minutes by 1000 for each, and that 86.40 as 86.51 can be the strict formula for the night to day time coherence between the two sets of 576. those 1000s are each 1000 overall points of 10000 consciousness model points from the 81 scales while the 86 can be the sun or the 144 angle of time out of 24 hours which is part of the thoughtform of 24 year intelligence and 252 moon orbit power.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

My Name is JMPtD,
I have a magic system which describes the laws of physics using the numbers 216 and 144 which is now on the internet spread out throughout the forums which give much wisdom of magic, and i have been successful with miracles literally myself as i have been evolved before. on yogaforums.com by @veganstringbean there is the one mind method for yoga post and the circle significance 360 relevance post which are there for the beginner to learn how the consciousness strength through the model is needed for infinity magic and then thereforby which the whole 81 scales magic system is based upon. next is the occultforum.org starting in the paradigms are the different magic paths (in shamanism and at bottom of main paradigm page by JMPtD) along with the science scroll post which explains the missing wisdom of basic math classes for the consciousness. the final direction before the samyama post on occultforum.org is by JMPtD on wizardforums.com for the post conjumblement by JMPtD in the journals and the divination and necromancy posts within the right and left hand path sections which mention some of the main parts of the magic system. and that is all there is rn as that is whatever can be found on those sites
here are some bullet points:
~the six elements being 81 scales distance rings info, balls of the distance rings, golden ratio 81 scales, 252 intelligence used for the golden 81 scales coming from the 324 moon orbits, the times of the distance rings, and the 24 year knoweldge.
~the evocative speeds (of 81^6 of general time, 81^1 all at once per heartbeat is the compact speed and perspective of which the wizard evokation speed is, 81^9 is the sorcerer all per heartbeat but has more compact by having the 81 per each 81 heartbeats per minute being compact into the perspective of the additional more primordial compactness of one of those 81 scales per heartbeat which is two depths of 81 scale layers more plus the sorcerer third which is of one more compact layer out of 81 of the 6561 per heartbeat for each of the 81 per 6561, and then there is the environmental chi mage evocation speed which is two more layers by compacting all of the 81s of those scales per 6561 into each of the 81 per 6561 plus the other 81 6561s into the active 6561 per heartbeat and vise verse he,he he he heeeeeeee)
~the different mage auras
~the main different mage speeds: wizard is 144 minutes with 81 per minute, sorcerer is 81 per minute and 81 per heartbeat, chaos mage of environmental chi mage is 81 per heartbeat and 81 per each of those 81 as well.
~astrological magic vs nonastrological magic vs survival magic
~5 (or 6) quantums as well as the 5 (or 6) astros and the body plus the five geos

enjoy as these are able to help very much in a classroom setting

Peace yomies ~

if you make an account on these sites which isn't necessary rn, you can not delete them ! ! !

ps our idea of if you make more than 100000 dollars then you must give 5000 in vegan food as tax for the poor, is great as a main metaphysical harmonic point for the new age as that is the sun you give within to the world as it is 95 percent you keep there at that amount or it is the 95000 nautical miles|miles that you get as the 100000 usd nautical mile harmonic which is the 72 out of the tenth worth 144.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

also here is on 86.40, which gives 86.51:
86 is intense matter/mass, 51 (here from 137-86) is intense space space space of intensity lol.
the other 51 are from a defracted 51 value or even some kind of metamorphing base yin or anyways also a yin field that is like an 86 but is a yangly yin field as the yin field made from the strong nuclear force 51s and vise versa along with the yin strong nuclear force field being from another base yin of weak nuclear force field, so, we can say 51 particles and energy fields are coherent to the integrating design of the 51 intense space, and the design of 51 intense space is synchronized to potential concepts which can activate a constant bud bed energized bed., so, one nevertheless subtle value is there as nevertheless a "bud" energized bed potential by the space made for intense action either supported by plain support, or an extended and liberal growth of a more inner factor number rich accelerating path of a growing/exponential pulsing vessel.

the samyama here could be of a bud bed which gives a small branch or flower from a bigger stem by the activated energies captured by the more energy vibrant areas of a plant making the growth sprout out of the energized fields and particles. and another is of the cubes which have a 2000 or 2050 by each of the three xyz axises of that cube which are made of balls at the quantum 14400's smaller 7 out of that size mass matter which is where the 7s are worth an 86, and the tunnels of those wizardlys growing in extention to sorcererly sorcerer balls size tunnel segments and then into environmental chi mage ball size harmonics which are the tenth bigger than the one previous and all three of these make the design of intense space made of the 51 subtracted from 137, where as the meeting point of all of these tunnels are balls that have a couple million artifacts/balls/proporitems within the intense space rich space known as the sum of 51 particles and fields which is the 51 which is the one on the other side of the decimal. don't forget the 51 particle fields are at the inner structure value of 504 being between the base particles which make the bigger cube/particle and of the particle/cube itself. and each of the ten overall points of the scales of 81 per minute give us the 810 which is the harmonic of an 8 day spell and is what makes the intense vibration of the energized bud bed because when doing work between 252s and 504s and 1008s, 810 is worth 2016 and is enough of a net coherence field of the bio astrogeoquantum to make a flush of energy to make a bud, while golden ratio work previously mentioned in the other comment explaining 504 another way for the 2nd smallest of 6 quantums is there to give intelligence to work with by where the small 7 ball is by the options of ranges from their own paryticle and field s of 51 coherence action so 504 being fourths would be the rate of evokation needed to be accurate enough to develope the advanced activity of movement

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

going off of that last point, 86.40 turns into 97.51 when adding 11 to both sides which is like the sun which flips its polarity every 11 years. so there are these combinations which are 86.40 86.51 97.40 97.51, and so for now outside of meditation we can just think about the definitions of 86.40 and 97.51 with some 86.51 like before lingering around. so when having 36 days there are 144 sets of 144 minutes and each set of 144 minutes can have a value here of 77 per 81 scales which means that two of the three sets of 27 are activated by the 25 out of 27 value, so 86x2 is 172, and 216-172 is 44, so we know we are working with plasma science here as the heartbeat is known to correlate basically with 44 by having each 144 years in a metaphysical calendar go from any past amount towards 1 more heartbeat mastery from the past year to the next 144st by gaining one more heartbeat every set of 144 as working on the first heartbeat resonations is equal to 43 heartbeats which adds one more heartbeat after the first time of using the constant 44 for all sets of 144 years or minutes to whereever one was at in the timeline as 44 plus whatever heartbeat amount being the total metamorphisis resonation revolution focal point of that 144 years while the 44 added to what adds to 119 is the final year before a rebound going back in the astroplasmaharmonies we could say..; so if one adds 11 to each side of 86.40 then they get 97.51 which goes metaphysically from intense massandmatter for 86 and entanglement coherence conjunction for contortion charges by the activation of 40 numerology on the other side and 97.51 is the fusion of design intense space 51 and intense particlesandfields 51 by the activation method of 97 numerology by the specific advice of the golden ratio 81 scales which is also harmonic to 40 angle of 1440 minutes out of the time of a whole day cycle. so 11 plus 11 in this specificalable scientific metaphysics is 22 and 216-172 is 44 while the 108 of each half of the night considerations throughout the entire calendar perhaps by the basic design of it even in the summer are there and each 108 whether the first being structure or the second being order are each owed a 11 which when together are 86+11 for both which shows at least an inner polarity of the intense matter/mass which is revealing alternating energy mathematics with some out bounds contained by for-example-a-cube math vortex, and 119 - 42 is 77 so with one pulse focus of the expanding and relapsing epistemology of the thoughtforms in the action of the metaphysics we get the momentum's growth of the trajectory of the calendar and thoughform works which is the value of 119 - 42 because that means the calculation is growing based upon where you are at and are going which gives 77 points in the energy's pulse span so when starting you are starting with 43 heartbeats in the accumulations being attributed in the first 144 minutes while when adding 44 from the base values form 86x2 having 22 points from both 86s then you have 216-172 giving 44 as what gives the constant suspended growth time which is 44 starting at 100 minutes or by coherence between astronomical and nonastronomical magic while then throughout 216 of 360 per 24 hours we get a 44 charge mass of the day by that 44 from 108 angle to the next 108 nevertheless, though after each each day there were four additions by 44 by each of the four prime 144 minutes.

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