Isn't there any real black magic?
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
NO! Desecrated, don't buy Mary Baker Eddy's book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures as it DOESN'T contain their secret healing methods just quotes from the bible telling you you should be perfect (healthy) because God is perfect. Their healing methods were/are a secret. They are based on a form of mesmerism with suggestion applied telepathically. She copied her methods from a guy named Phineas Quimby. Uncle Chuckie gives them in one of his free e-books.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
MAZOHIR wrote:Read about CIA mind-control OPS, and then submit yourself to their so-called MONARCH programming to the deepest level, and then you'll see some seriously black-magic operations in effect, based on NAZI mind-programming and developed by Lt Col Michael Aquino, a major pedophile and ex-head of the Temple of Set ( finally dead now ). See what you get.
Michael is still around. He is on the 600club forum if you want to talk to him.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
So, in your experience there is no organizations, groups or sources for information?RoseRed wrote:Have you checked out Sarah Lawless's blog? There's some darker things in her older writings. Scylla writes about some of what you're asking as well. I don't know them personally but it's a place to start.
I haven't learned any of this type of thing out of a book. I've read some truly diabolical things in books but actual practice - I haven't seen it. The darker or baneful things that I've learned have either been self taught or taught in person (whether I was actually taught or had to find my own way out of the deep end). No one I know has it written down. That's not to say that they don't have their own personal journals, grimoires, BOSs, etc - just that those personal things aren't shared often.
If you're really insistent on this - I can send out a few emails for you. I can't promise what'll come of it or if you'll be glad I did. I'd really rather not. I meant what I said above - you're offering yourself up for lunch and target practice. Not everyone I know is like me. I really don't want to see you get hurt. You're a novice, you're searching, I get it.
Only individuals?
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
I'm surprised nobody mentioned chuckie until now. He at least claims to be a sadist, a bad guy and so on.Horny Goat wrote: Uncle Chuckie gives them in one of his free e-books.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
Your list was interesting, it gives a better idea of what you might be looking for. [thumbup]
I recommended Uncle Chucky in a recent topic for another member along with general reading on philosophy of mind and logic , but assumed in this topic that you'd be well aware of him, the subjects and other such writers already. My bad if that was incorrect.
I have a very philosophical view of this subject and my thinking on it is still that a direct energy connection to the current you are searching for [if such is going on at an interpersonal level ,remembering the hypothetical caveat of course...] is the best way to scout for information, potential and connection.
I'll bow out now.
I recommended Uncle Chucky in a recent topic for another member along with general reading on philosophy of mind and logic , but assumed in this topic that you'd be well aware of him, the subjects and other such writers already. My bad if that was incorrect.
I have a very philosophical view of this subject and my thinking on it is still that a direct energy connection to the current you are searching for [if such is going on at an interpersonal level ,remembering the hypothetical caveat of course...] is the best way to scout for information, potential and connection.
I'll bow out now.
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Sartre speaking of Che Guevara.
Sartre speaking of Che Guevara.
Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
I haven't come across any. I haven't gone looking for them either.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
I just remembered the Temple of Maergzjirah claims to be able to connect its initiates to some extremely dark infernal currents. I'm not sure whether they're the real deal or an elaborate troll, but you could check them out if you haven't already:
Last edited by the_spiral on Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
I sent out a few emails with the link to this thread. I don't know if anyone will be interested in speaking with you but you're welcome.
When my wings get tired I grab my broom.
Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
I have lived my life in what gets labelled as 'low magick' or 'black magic' it started as a means of survival and practical and selfish needs... Later was initiated into Obeah and other traditional paths that had a reputation of being aggressive spiritually though not necessarily "evil" though certainly can give that as an option if the individual is so inclined... Also in paths deemed "dark" that were actually reliant on good character like Quimbanda despite having many actions of malefica at one's disposal... Though there are traditions that do have very aggressive focuses like Yin Shan of China and S.E. Asia that focuses almost solely on malefica or the Abathakathi of South Africa to point out a criminal extreme (not my thing)... There is everything out in the world one can imagine that is humanly possible so yes there is everything to cater to everyone's tastes from the horrid to the pleasant... In regards to Western ceremonial magic well its all in the hands of the individual, the Grimoire Verum offers plenty of freedom... If you want Chthonic then yes there is a lot out there if you want completely amoral then yes it is out there, if you want to explore the darker regions of the mind and human psyche it is out there, if you want extremes in cathartic taboo breaking then yes it is out there.... I'm not a "bad" person but if someone desires something I can easily point out where one can find it whether I agree with it or not...
Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
I've always differentiated between Low Magic and Ceremonial Magick. I've never equated low magic with black or dark magic. I'm curious as to how you came to label magic in this way.I have lived my life in what gets labelled as 'low magick' or 'black magic' it started as a means of survival and practical and selfish needs..
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
Since you mentioned Aquino by his 1st name, I presume that YOU talk to him..........he would be better to ask about "real black magic", don't you think?
Last edited by MAZOHIR on Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
The Llewelyn Encyclopedia defines 'Low Magic' as follows (this quote originally was provided by Donald Michael Kraig):RoseRed wrote:
I've always differentiated between Low Magic and Ceremonial Magick. I've never equated low magic with black or dark magic. I'm curious as to how you came to label magic in this way.
I've never heard of the term 'low magic' coming from its origin in the 'fertile lowlands', but as 'low magic' is synonymous with 'folk magic', the definition is plausible.Natural Magic: Natural Magic is the type of magic that uses natural objects from the world around you. This includes such things as herbs, roots, oils, crystals, stones, and various other items. It may include various chants, spells, charms, and incantations and tends to exclude the complexities found in some other forms of magic.
Natural Magic is commonly used by followers of various Pagan paths, ranging from solitaries and Hedge Witches to members of traditional covens. In the past, Paganism was most frequently associated with people of the fields. Since they didn’t have lots of irrigation systems, they needed to be in lower lands where water from rains would accumulate for their crops. As a result, Natural Magic is also known as “Low Magic.” This should not imply that it is in any way lower, of less value, or less spiritual than other forms of magic, only that its European sources were in the fertile lowlands.
The same source defines 'Black Magic' as follows (this quote also from Donald Michael Kraig):
I find the definition of 'Black Magic' to be over simplistic, and taken solely from the perspective of the Right Hand Path tradition. The use of 'low magic' as being synonymous with 'black magic' probably springs from Abrahamic traditionalism - the view by the Right Hand Path that 'low magic', itself an individualistic and therefore conceivably LHP tradition, was 'evil' in the dualistic world view. As quite a few non-magickal types view LHP traditions as 'black' and RHP traditions as 'white' by definition, a cultural definition of 'low magic' as 'black magic' is understandable.Black Magic: Magic performed to cause harm. Louis Culling’s point about "it is prevailing mental aberration of the ignorant to label as 'Black Magic' the pentagram with two points upward" is that it not the tools of magic that are evil but only the intentions of the magician. A pentagram is a pentagram no matter which end is up; a knife is a knife no matter how it is used, and a gun is a gun no matter it held by a policeman or a murderer. Black Magick's aim is to harm yourself or another either purposely or accidentally. Some magicians feel that it would not be correct to hurt someone else, as they themselves would suffer as a consequence. "As you sow, so shall ye reap" is not merely a philosophical aphorism to a magician, it is an actual physical fact. Most magicians do not want to chance getting "zapped" by the law of Karma for a foolish act of Black Magick.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
...also please note: my comments in the above post are in no way intended to suggest that cain thinks that 'low magic' is 'black magic' because of a cultural paradigm in which all low magick is evil, I'm merely analysing the concept myself from my own perspective. [thumbup]
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
Anton lavey defines low magick as forms of deceptions. Small spells to get what you want.
And high magick as longer rituals.
And high magick as longer rituals.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
The temple of set isn't really to much into magic. More so then the church of satan, but it is still a pretty individual religion and although they are left hand path, I wouldn't call the evil or dark.MAZOHIR wrote:Since you mentioned Aquino by his 1st name, I presume that YOU talk to him..........he would be beter to ask about "real black magic", don't you think?
They don't use animal sacrifice or hurt humans in anyway.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
Okay, thank you.RoseRed wrote:I sent out a few emails with the link to this thread. I don't know if anyone will be interested in speaking with you but you're welcome.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
I've been looking into Chinese necromancy and that is pretty scary stuff actually.cain wrote:IAlso in paths deemed "dark" that were actually reliant on good character like Quimbanda despite having many actions of malefica at one's disposal... Though there are traditions that do have very aggressive focuses like Yin Shan of China and S.E. Asia that focuses almost solely on malefica or the Abathakathi of South Africa to point out a criminal extreme (not my thing)...
But if you have any more tips on black magic, Please share if you can.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
Sure, the CIA, and Aquino share the same bed and are just really nice guys. The CIA training death squads up and down Central and South America......and many other places........ Aquino....pedophilia BIG time, in many cities all over the USA.......just nice folks, yep.
Mind control, electroshock, multiple mind-bending drugs and hypnosis used on many unsuspecting plain folk for decades by the CIA,.....and then there's Aquinos' paper on Mind Control Psy OPs, used to such sweet ends in the Military. All good citizens for sure. Not evil or dark. Aquino never went to the Wewelsburg Castle to gather "NAZI demonic energies" there to use for his oh-so-playful little-kiddie-fun-Temple either, eh?
Mind control, electroshock, multiple mind-bending drugs and hypnosis used on many unsuspecting plain folk for decades by the CIA,.....and then there's Aquinos' paper on Mind Control Psy OPs, used to such sweet ends in the Military. All good citizens for sure. Not evil or dark. Aquino never went to the Wewelsburg Castle to gather "NAZI demonic energies" there to use for his oh-so-playful little-kiddie-fun-Temple either, eh?
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
Desecrated, could you please provide a link to Anton LaVey's views on low and high magick?Desecrated wrote:Anton lavey defines low magick as forms of deceptions. Small spells to get what you want.
And high magick as longer rituals.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
The satanic bible. page 111 (chapter: The theory and practice of satanic magic)Clockwork_Ghost wrote:Desecrated, could you please provide a link to Anton LaVey's views on low and high magick?Desecrated wrote:Anton lavey defines low magick as forms of deceptions. Small spells to get what you want.
And high magick as longer rituals.
"magic falls into two categories, ritual or ceremonial, and non-ritual or manipulative. Ritual magic consist of the performance of a formal ceremony, taking place, at least in part, within the confines of an area set aside for such purposes and at a specific time.
Non-ritual or manipulative magick, sometimes called lesser magick, consists of the wile and guile obtained through various devices and contrived situation, which when utilized, can create change in accordance to one's will. In olden time this would be called "fascination," "glamor," or the evil eye". "
I also recommend his book, the satanic witch, Since the entire book is created on this concept.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
It never fails to amuse me when people diss low magic simply because they don't know how to wield it.
CG - I appreciate the quotes. Yes, I can agree that low magic is more of a natural magic. And all magic is EVIL according to some religions.
CG - I appreciate the quotes. Yes, I can agree that low magic is more of a natural magic. And all magic is EVIL according to some religions.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
I don't share your belief in this.MAZOHIR wrote:Sure, the CIA, and Aquino share the same bed and are just really nice guys. The CIA training death squads up and down Central and South America......and many other places........ Aquino....pedophilia BIG time, in many cities all over the USA.......just nice folks, yep.
Mind control, electroshock, multiple mind-bending drugs and hypnosis used on many unsuspecting plain folk for decades by the CIA,.....and then there's Aquinos' paper on Mind Control Psy OPs, used to such sweet ends in the Military. All good citizens for sure. Not evil or dark. Aquino never went to the Wewelsburg Castle to gather "NAZI demonic energies" there to use for his oh-so-playful little-kiddie-fun-Temple either, eh?
But it is definitely a part of the occult world. and it's a good thing that you bring it into attention.
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- ultimafool
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
Honestly, I've never met/heard of any magician - black or white - who could wield more worldly power than politicians and corporations. They are commanding armies to sacrifice themselves in their name in the pursuit of more power and control. They are manipulating and destroying plants, animals, the environment and the minds of the populace through control of the media.
You want to go insane? Study economics, political science, the legal system, the history of wars and Monsanto. I can feel anger welling up inside me just thinking about these things.
You could also join the Catholic Church. They seem to be pretty fond of rape and torture.
Honestly, I've never met/heard of any magician - black or white - who could wield more worldly power than politicians and corporations. They are commanding armies to sacrifice themselves in their name in the pursuit of more power and control. They are manipulating and destroying plants, animals, the environment and the minds of the populace through control of the media.
You want to go insane? Study economics, political science, the legal system, the history of wars and Monsanto. I can feel anger welling up inside me just thinking about these things.
You could also join the Catholic Church. They seem to be pretty fond of rape and torture.
Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
while i share your view of the isanity of all this, i'm not sure if i would call it magic, as long as people do it without consciousness of other planes than the material one.ultimafool wrote:Necronomicon?
Honestly, I've never met/heard of any magician - black or white - who could wield more worldly power than politicians and corporations. They are commanding armies to sacrifice themselves in their name in the pursuit of more power and control. They are manipulating and destroying plants, animals, the environment and the minds of the populace through control of the media.
You want to go insane? Study economics, political science, the legal system, the history of wars and Monsanto. I can feel anger welling up inside me just thinking about these things.
You could also join the Catholic Church. They seem to be pretty fond of rape and torture.
i think a lot of it is just simple greed, anger, fear and thoughtlessness/ruthlessness
and i'm sure one can take these traits consciously onto immaterial planes and cause even more damage - if so inclined.
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Re: Isn't there any real black magic?
The black magicians of the Amazon learn their magic directly from the plants through a discipline called the diet or dieta. You choose the plant you want to learn from, in this case a plant that can teach you black magic(there are many of those, t.e. datura), you go into isolation, you eat only platanos and fish(thats all! No spice, oil, milk nothing more), stay out of sunlight, and meditate together with the plant. You have one maestro or maestra that opens, cleans, balances the energy of the diet for you. After some time you come into direct contact with the plant. It can fome to you in dreams, visions or its spiritual form. Then it starts to teach you what you want if it finds you worthy.
I dont know so much about baneful magic as its not my field of interest, but i have done several diets and the resultsnare very strong, intense and filled with learning. I have had encounters with spirits in broad daylight talking and singing to me, ive been taken to other diemsions and spent time with strange beings teaching me several things and the plants have taught me how to sing. I tell this uust to show that the plants can teach you a lot of things. I had one encounter with the red rose, which often is used in witchcraft in the Amazon, and she took my power my manipulating me to give her my sexual energy. Had a glimpse of the dark stuff and it was nasty. Ive also seen what the brujos or black magicians put inside of people to make them sick. Not a pretty sight. They also put demons around villages and houses to torment the people and babies living there. The reasons for doing this is often to do harm and not to gain knowledge, even though a lot of the black magicians are really powerful and have a lot of knowledge. The plants will give you what you ask as long as you follow the outlines of the dieta.
I dont know so much about baneful magic as its not my field of interest, but i have done several diets and the resultsnare very strong, intense and filled with learning. I have had encounters with spirits in broad daylight talking and singing to me, ive been taken to other diemsions and spent time with strange beings teaching me several things and the plants have taught me how to sing. I tell this uust to show that the plants can teach you a lot of things. I had one encounter with the red rose, which often is used in witchcraft in the Amazon, and she took my power my manipulating me to give her my sexual energy. Had a glimpse of the dark stuff and it was nasty. Ive also seen what the brujos or black magicians put inside of people to make them sick. Not a pretty sight. They also put demons around villages and houses to torment the people and babies living there. The reasons for doing this is often to do harm and not to gain knowledge, even though a lot of the black magicians are really powerful and have a lot of knowledge. The plants will give you what you ask as long as you follow the outlines of the dieta.