As I have mentioned before in my posts, I am new to Hoodoo. It seems to be the first magickal tradition for me to yield a level of results. I have been practicing trance-work at my altar, and I've had a few visions. These include in order of reception:
1. A dark clothed entity in a black suit throwing bones and giving me an auditory message.
2. A woodblock print of a somewhat feminine looking Japanese face with a mustache.
3. An old grimoire or book with black symbols inside.
4. Pages of a book with images of white and black leaf shaped symbols.
The last two visions were received yesterday. However, the majority of trance sessions give no visions at all. Is this normal? Should I expect visions every time? Is there anything I can do to enhance the number of my visions?
Expecting Visions?
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- Posts: 27
- Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:56 pm
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