Key astrological events in 2024:
All year we are being asked to review how we take action in our world, how we use the element of fire, while at the same time, healing and evolving our experience of this element, in particular the use of one of our innate human gifts, our willpower. This is due to almost all four Mercury retrogrades (except for five days in Virgo) taking place in each fire sign this year.
The astrology of 2024 begins with Mercury in the final two days of its retrograde through Sagittarius. With the Sun in Capricorn, this great sign of long-range vision, it seems fitting that we begin with a re-read of our intentions for this fresh year, ensuring we feel instinctually aligned (not just mentally) and alive with them before the Mercurial arrow is released from its bow on January 2nd.
With the North Node and eclipses in Aries and the South Node and eclipses in Libra, there is a strong emphasis on ensuring that the moves we make in our world come from a place that is true to us, as individuals. We do this by being attuned to our own inner compass. Are you tapped into your wants, needs and desires? Do you know how to effectively communicate these to the people in your life? It’s so easy for us to forget that we are on one level, animals. It’s easy for us to live from the neck up. And yet so much of our innate wisdom is seeded throughout our earthy, mortal bodies. It’s important to be aware of the specific ways that you personally regenerate your own energy. What I mean by this is, how do you flush out the emotional, energetic, and physical stagnancy within your life? How knowledgeable are you in the instruction manual of your own complex operating system? This is necessary self-knowledge.
Jupiter will move from Taurus, the sensual throne of yourself worth and value and move into Gemini, the curious sylph, on May 26th. Jupiter is the experiential student who becomes the wisdom-bearing teacher. In the realm of ideas and open-mindedness, we have the opportunity for more dialogue and less of the idealogue. Follow your curiosities, offscreen, and into tangible earth-life.
Pluto will begin the year moving into Aquarius again on January 21st, on the same day that the Sun enters this sign, before retrograding back into Capricorn from August 31 - November 18 one last time (it's been there since 2008), before moving back into Aquarius again where it will remain until 2043. Pluto can be power, control, psychology, self-regeneration. Aquarius, more broadly speaking, represents this information and digital age that we now find ourselves in the early dawn of. We can already see the effects of the decentralization of information on society. Each of us in our echo chambers, sure that our perspective is THE perspective as we get it reverberated back to us day in and day out. With so many strong and distinct reality channels operating at once, this Pluto transit feels like a theme of personal power and self-control in the digital age. With the power grab continuing for your attention, Pluto represents our deep energetic instincts. And this year feels like a very important time to ensure we are aligned with our own instincts. This is doubled with the North Node in Aries; your willpower is a gift, made up of your attention, your intention, focus and the propulsion of your life force. How are you using this and towards what? Being in the driver's seat of this inherent gift is strong magic.
Be mindful of your sacred relationships:
Relationship dynamics continue to be under the pump. They are all year and have been for the two preceding it – with the eclipses this year in Aries and Libra (Me and We) and prior in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio (self-worth and intimacy). This is a great thing. While it can be easy to get lost in the literature and social media posts on relating, at the heart of the eclipses in March, April and October of this year is this movement towards building the safety to tap into and acknowledge what our own wants, needs and desires are and then to communicate them (or learn to) in an adult and healthy way.
For some of you that may be so simple. For many others, that may be a whole new world. These eclipses – while they may range in intensity for us as individuals – are a gift as they can show us our blind spots. They will serve us our falsehoods and fake pleasantries on a platter. They are a release valve for all our pent-up resentments and unmet (and uncommunicated) expectations of others. People pleasing may have been a necessary survival skill at one point, but now as an adult, it really does take up a lot of precious time. Build the safety within yourself to be clear and direct. You are allowed to have wants and needs, you are allowed to self-direct the path you forge and the life that you lead.
2024 Astrological predictions
- Vesperium
- Forum Member
- Posts: 92
- Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:47 pm
- Location: Den of Darkness / Universe
2024 Astrological predictions
The best you can do to raise stars is to evolve to be as high as them - Hermes
ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace

ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace

- Vesperium
- Forum Member
- Posts: 92
- Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:47 pm
- Location: Den of Darkness / Universe
Re: 2024 Astrological predictions
The best you can do to raise stars is to evolve to be as high as them - Hermes
ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace

ᛖᚷᛟ ᛊᚢᛗ ᛈᚨcᛟ -ego sum paco - I'm in peace