a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »


the nevertheless wizardly gauging samyama here of the common 81 scales magic system hereahh aa h aahh hahh is of the naming that goes selection dharana then counting dhyana then coordinating s am ah hhh hh h hhħdd dd diiiiii* * **,., and then the sorcererly samyama of spell basic consensic starting of the mind that centers and establishes likewise but with the three being namely counting dharana then coordination dhyana then harmonized synchronization samaddiiahdi adhahadaaahdi o dooooonnnťþþť,țțț^ ** **_*_ _ . and then the point is that both are having their own largest 2 of 6 (5 plus th3e 333.,. 33, ťþ, one largest which is the one called the common wizardly ball which is the .002953 feet ion the system) being of the environmental chi mage lyl,lly - - , and the middle two being of the _ _ , _ _ _ , especially body sorcerer sorcerer, sorcererly sorcererly sorcererly, and the smallest two being of the likewize wizard, while the 295.3 feet, and 29.53 feets and 2.953 feets are zoomed in on of the samuyhama while the ee e, e.e.e. ee. first step is of those three being there in whatever scope of thought mindfulness while the next level is of the primarily the harmonic of the body sorcerer after completing the past step of environmental chi mage ly of the geo while this next step is to coordinate or figuremuch by at least the intensifying of the balls of the body being sorcererly through 2.953 feet while doing it through the bigger things still are there, and the last step is to use the last quantum pair which is the wizardly toth or Horus view with the tt., ttt,tt, ohhhhh were gaannsstteeerrttstttsttt^^^, and that third step means that the ballz would obviously be the wizardly through .2953 feet; and the difference between the middle step of either path is that it compared to the first and therd has it's shift by that the difference of one ball for the first and second is there but the one difference of the second and third which is not about the balls in particular but are heavily focused upon the intelligence namely of the lone yet bigger balls by two beyond the sorcererly .02953 diameter feet ball while the other difference is though the balls of that strain of its own point is the same for both it is that the main single difference there is that the general scope of thought changes

manifest manifest manifest SSUUUMMMMOOOOONNNNNN!! (wizardly chant)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG3gImgj1FY ohh yeaahhhh holmeesss. I bet I caaannnnnn. ďð ððď, dddooooonnnntttttt d

with three different hair colors and ability to change color and even change hair(with some magic archeolofgy of course) is there as what can be moved in saturation of count or color either while the different layers can be great for 4 day magic with enough special touch for each day while calling it deeply ingrained and centerable

shri ram jaii raaammmmmm srhhiii^ram

the 80 lenth and 80 width and 80 depth magick matrix box is there as what can have the value of 144 years momentary for any astrological spell attunement as the present gathering of the spell and vise verse with three in a way people will learn to define, while the 100th of a mile has 800 by 800 by 800 and is of 144 years(or some time though at least the accumulated intellectual breath of magic in general) squared and is for tools, and the 144 years cubed are there for the way things are in general while if about wizardly vs sorcererly much then it would be mostly wizardly by that but also the body mages anyways would be the ones that would have of course 80 boxes have a different focus in general potential cleared way for to be letting the accustomed perhaps but preferably a Ojas rich Agni for the 12 year knowledge of four sets of 1440 days being different types of sets of days by as always structure and order and chaos. so each box within any set of boxes has a gravity and anti gravity direction up and down, or they have the forward or back and that being side to side for any way is possible as the other way besides the same wizardly stuff, Sri ram jai ram _hanumRRRAAAMMMMMaannnn_ and boxes each have 27 columns in the strong power direction of whatever direction while there is also the other row direction of 12, and the usage of this gives a 324 total planar focus which is great as a 12 year harmonic while the 12 layers of that per box gives the magnetic grid packed with these wizardry ballz, a zzzz zzzzzzzz zz,zzzz zz zz zazzzzzz., ,, , , ~shri ram jai hrham~ (good guy whereby on standby lololol), a 12 sets of 12 years ^ while the understanding of a 80 by 80 by 80 box (body height fulfillment notably by 10 sets of 8 box sides while the sides are 4 sides for the .2953 harmonic, and at this note also there is the fumer being that 8 side distance box and a box itself is from of course 100000 nautical miles hashtagged by the feminine non nautical miles around 7890 (as a fulfillment by enough no doubt while calling 101 or 100 = 0 in this tip) miles being exactly nevertheless even anyway some point of as the diameter of the earth when not in nautical miles by that the process launched into by the wisdom of the masculine nautical miles is the way while these give the female and male body heights of the basic 81 scales magic system and to remember that both are yours because they are able to be found in you through magic materialization teleportation spells!) being as one box would give the 8000 by 8000 by 8000 a worth of 100 in consciousness, so the reason to think here is for the step of finding the 108 value, and this can be found by shortening the height of a body size box from any type of individuals 72 inch side to 57.6 inches be3ing 8 fumers(hands), vwhoiyle the box there can be a good wizardly work or meditation table or stand which by its humidity is there to fuel the electromagnetic gravity of whatever is specific of an object like the body in a namaskar who wants to use the advantageous nevertheless cautious and gentle samadhi of the manifesting and growing and enriching of the body for the great experiences of the excesses and deficiencies and the losses and gains of yogic matter and energy, while the electromagnetic sorcererly cloud can be enough of a controlling general cloudy drizzle of static coherence evocation in just a basic physical language way 'phrasing' the quaila(at least conservatively significant [Noumena (a true dreamers word nevertheless a to sweetly say deep philosopher here)] reality)

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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some electromanetic feister such as a wand or scepter or staff can send out a wizardly ball which itself could have the value per say of a 8 of 108 which would be good to use it as what could be as a binding force such as something that holds a train track lookin wheel on a track while the 8 can also be used for all kinds of magic whereas the general 100 pointly dimension is within of the within use signal and is gauged by that dimensional scale in however much 8 is making work energies or by however shades with 8 are combined as 108 is the activated number. om shanti bless

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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some electromanetic feister such as a wand or scepter or staff can send out a wizardly ball which itself could have the value per say of a 8 of 108 which would be good to use it as what could be as a binding force such as something that holds a train track lookin wheel on a track while the 8 can also be used for all kinds of magic whereas the general 100 pointly dimension is within of the within use signal and is gauged by that dimensional scale in however much 8 is making work energies or by however shades with 8 are combined as 108 is the activated number. om shanti bless

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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Each box comes from actually 10000 nautical miles, while the yin yang namely, harmonic comes from the 100000 derivative.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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1/(square root of 1-(v^2/c^2) is important for the box as it is in need of a special (specific) type of yet general relativity nature trail constant of ratio, while the harmonics from this planetary and planetary fittable astronomical type of base to mathematicallike constant frame of all spanning knowledge, can be used as basic platform and simple/starting initial variability within it’s own variables, which can be found as helpful for any happenings and of the grid of the magnetic pulse tunnel framework /quantum fields.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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1 in the top of the equation is there as what can be of what is able to be one by that there is a constant which has at least time anchored of at least some common sense of the occult tether had there indeed. The 1 below is as a square root of itself which when those numbers are multiplied to each other, the worth of the purpose of those imaginary numbers (less than one) become worth carriers which are there as what are external and one internal, or internal and one more internal, or of especially what can not take on the basic more often of a general relativity is the way or one internal as internal as the second internal of the previous example while the second internal here is actually made of two internals more with the first of this second being still yet bigger than the second of this second internal in this third example here.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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The v^2 is there as what is found exponential by that the stages of growth can be found at the same level of constant view point for special general relativity but the other common passage is of what is a fractaling focus of what is there like big being the rocket against air as 1x and then the specific triangulation of vibration being there around the screw while the 3X is there as the stability or special investigation points of the screw, while c^2 is of a certain type of conjumbled range unit of variable net worth which can be measured by one or a few as the most effective variables for the phase of the equation which has a change in trajectory where the value of the stages being valid for a formulated equation are through all essential and therefore as it is to say safe wholesome and proportionate alignments from the consciousness base of the Astro through to the relapsing suspended conjumblement conjunctive contortion charged ranges of which are triangulations of varying specificity throughout the namely greater and more basic triangulation of Astro yet still geo quantum and anywhere biology which are there to be the general law firming of the guarantee of equational for happenings success.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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"E_0 is the energy taken in, as judged from a coordinate system moving with the body" Einstein.

(m x c^2)+E_0)/(the square root of 1 - (v^2/C^2))

in this method the (m x c^2) is worth c while the E_0 is worth m first and as things become liberal for this bit of information by its own value, the overall all equation of it becomes E, while the (the square root of 1 - (v^2/C^2) is opposite to the E_0 throughout the same process of the growth of the experiment/work advancement which it is within.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

the above c is there as what is again either as what is like one Tesla or ten Tesla with one as 10,000 nautical miles and 100,000 nautical miles as ten, so when the variables external and more primordial being as external by being what the external potential of the lower c came from is what is outside and external being more primordial as what is not the direction of growth in complication at this example which otherwise is what gets specific if the same level accumulations of the field realms of what are smaller are what are captured again at different re subbing or at least by what is repulsing for it's bit accumulation accumulations. the 100,000 nautical mile diameter example is the one which has it's own internal and external as explained elsewhere whereas the 5,000 nautical miles radius is added to the half of the henricaL MILE|\/\/\/|s which sums to its own radius of the earth of those 5,280 sets of miles while furthermore the 72 mark as 1/200 is there as what is 100,000 nautical miles, so otherwise, a sun harmonic fits into the tenths as half of tenths as the usual 2953 ratios do which here fit into those tenths of which come from 10,000 nautical miles because of the size which is 5 percent of which is 5 percent of the 100 percent that is 14400 (as 100 percent) which comes from the 7 of a value of 20,000 nautical miles portraying the fusion of weaknuclearlike earth mass space and of the strongnuclearlike looser magic energy space, whereas when splits between order and structure appear it is then a good time to think about the constant that it is overall like here being of what is a constant from more overall astro in this case which is then what is less called a constant in the root of the hard quantum '(more by that it is special/specific) relativity happenings' but here is a constant which is what would be called a constant made of structure and order in an overall and abstractable way with room beyond into the astro for one to do so, so that constant can be what is called constant as it is what is constant by the apparent significant units of which it is intertwined with as this may be a unit derived from a special tool trajectory and equation from 10,000 miles, or from 100,000 nautical miles being miles of a certain balance in potential growth of external equation by it's 72 value which can let itself find a direction of negative root bringing advancement and balance when growing to the 144, while the sun diameter harmonic of 5 percent at which is presenting a source and a general time space balancing tool of an alternating growth and depreciation or growth to build or growth to depreciate perhaps which then of course grows from sun diameter harmonic to 95 percent with a certain top off of far end 5 percent unit advancement in perhaps constant for a C variable which has its limits in th9iys way yomie.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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so of a 5 percent as a starting point that was arrived through achieved from center and settling, the 5 ^ 2 could be the actual length of the C because the 5 at the end beyond 95 could have been achieved twice while the value of the difference between 95 and 25 could be found as the massic or auric energy being more solid or gas for that it was also achieved through at a tinseled through the hole of the needle heavenly stride in equational intricacy which is able to achieve its 0-95 as what had a liquid (or aquadic bayhriahba,auh) constant of balance fixation which is greatly achieved by wide being condensed into what is less in orbital issue. this constant of 25 throughout each of the 5 95s is 25/95=0.26315789473, and so of course this seeking of illumination of consciousness is as to the pulling more open and thinning the stuff so that enough air and heat can ignite a small ember into a good sign of a flame; there is the external 500, and the internal 95 and the other int3ernl 5 of the etherial equative factoning of what here appears as the basic symbolic logic work table of the pieces that are accumulated for the wisdom intelligence that is gathered in one's mindfulness.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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the good think about the 500 and the 5s there is the ability to find the ranges giving symmetry for the 81 scales while there is some interesting lapsing after a harmonic 5 turned 25 is also there as 70 remaining of 95 {also 100} which is as two 30s plus perhaps the overall 10 or even a specific out of any 3 30s or even there is also to consider the reality of 25 being a good special fourth to be accounted for anyways while there are special 3rd 25 core philosophy fourths or also fourths as they blossom as the fourth worth a 19 or 10 points after there had been three thirds of 81 scales before.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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and either two 30s or one thirty could be what correspond with the bottom part of the equation rather than the etheric wisdom accumulations which were mentioned indicating the external 500 and the internal 95 and the other internal 5, while there is another 25 perhaps between 95 and 5 if for that equation alone, while if accounting of the lower part of that other equation more wholesomely then, then it should be of even perhaps likewise two takes giving 1000 overall points, but anyways it would be letting the two 30s or one 30 be as what is perhaps two if having an external bottom carrier as mentioned before for the wholesome proportionate full completeness, or it couple be of just perhaps one thirty if there are is a tool extension equation of two inners, or one thirty if there is one inner carrier plus two more even more inner carriers as is fathomable

c through lapses should give that standard liquidic constant of value which is the value of v^2 or preferably with the work done to give the superposition, which belongs to c, the value or (as a structure structure perhaps) equation step spread position of c, which either way are there to give the geometric interprise/trajectory a meaning which at nevertheless gives much acceleration in the advancement of a ratio and equation process.
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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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of any remainders between the size of the 7 of 14400 and of the exacter ratios of the sun are the exact side by side equation which throughout astrologic timing recording or throughout astronomical development of equations or both all of the time is the exact value of the astromancy from the planets and belts which have constant electro frequency intel from other places in the universe outside of our solar system and perhaps of the mapping of many ages to come there is whatever comes in as great great great great great great great great great symbolic logic giving much powers to all which comes from outside our source which is the galaxy, creating quantum alignments and geo alignments and also solar system alignments which are there as wizardly pockets of info bits, or as sorcererly sorcerer things or regions of info bits, or as sorcererly environmental chi environment shade different entire dimensions of the same space with different matter on whatever scale info bits.

the good point of growth is to find all of the elements of the periodic table as elements that are as they are by the randomness of the nature withholding the greatness of the original order of our history by whatever means that are while that in magic that is not how things only work while anyways the knowledge around all arrangements of quantum/chemistry physics being known as what can let one be called another for the sake of consciousness and our work would be necessarily called great; while solid liquid gas states are good basic separation contexts with whatever special level of intelligence for someone's magick/scienceactivityphilosophy system package which could be found in tomes or created on a good vegan weekend picnic

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

a[9 minutes of 36 minutes] b[9 minutes of 36 minutes] c[9 minutes of 36 minutes] d[9 minutes of 36 minutes]

a{something big as value of 30} b{something long as value of 24 years} c{something adventurative as value of 18} c{something blossoming with 5th as the bland harmony of blossom rate and pieces along the way being an aquatic ratio signature}

~incorporate 30 with 70 from physics equation
~let the ten small cubes from 10,000 nautical miles each aligned with the 100,000 wisdom intelligence be turned into 100 inch harmonic (by 95,000 realization it could be about then oh say 90 inches at the top of namaskaram pose) by 100 cube boxes for each xyz separately in each direction having 100. 8 boxes advancing a direct or carrier or internal ratio value of 3 times for a 24 year harmonic, and an internal layered-like within a meditation pause/prep 12 coming from 18 though 3 times for each of the thirds out of nine plus the next 9 minutes to reach the end of the three sets of four minutes (in this order always giving respect to the weave in magick) or also do the third set of nine's 18 principle for the two sets before it likewise always being able to work through while in a way at times displaced from the source it is just tuning, and the 18 principle of the nines on either side of the activated 9 within this 27 of 81 can open realm splitting the then revealed and illuminated and om shanti blessed veil giving credence to the middle activated nine while having an advanced philosophy superposition by the position of the chaos philosophy being the third set of 9 minutes in some level of literality or jest. the 30 comes from each. 24 x 3 =72 and of 14400, there are 10, 72s which give us a sun which is 30 sets of 24; a green box gives us a tesseract with a sun inside. there are 20 sets of these 30 in an equational 14400.
~there is eneergy of knowledge used from the known of and understood vibration and frequency wisdom between the 100 small box sides and the larger 10th of mile made from small boxes, while there is to consider and incorporate how the 100 sided of small boxes is also made of directly larger boxes on its own leaving room for mentalist as the realms of the variables in physics is more and even for both and also vise versa.
~the boxes can grow from threex8 to 96 from inside to outside as a wizard spell or as an environmental chi mage base point, while it can grow opposite direction for an environmental chi mage spell or a wizard building block point as the vise versa, or it can grow from the outside in or middle out with out in as the standard here for by basic moksha intuition of phsycia reality formulating which gives a sorcerer spell motor or point.
~there are tenxtenxten small boxes at the center of the 100 boxes because there is a 5 box distance sun diameter which is of the innumerable potential tendency shades as there is another box on the other side with a gold yellow sun inside of it for example, while this can turn to a white or black grey or just more mediocre grey which can be of a slightly disk shaped sun which is there as what can be bigger than just 5 diameter even while still having 5 boxes distance the other way at the same time even, while this energy may be absorbed by a box energizing which can be the purpose of the first 9 minutes of a 36 here, while the second 9 minutes is used for again the different spells or points of your optimism, while the busting buwow:)est of the energies into the 4 distance box remaining with 2 on either side being in direct contact or the other two forms being more and more separated which can then have the energies channeled for the final absorption into any manifestation or reaction ratios which were stored there in the 4 boxes so that the initial material and any more resin designed specialties of the four boxes distance carrier zone can be used as spell ingredients or as a spell guiding coherence in a simulatory way having a stronger base constant on it's own by using the box, while otherwise it can be used for the symbolic logic of completing any math or physics or chemistry equation therein the purpose of the physics equations which can be worked at there.
~the box in general can be of the core focus of the genereel magic spheer layers of the times of the day even for the wizard as their body is working along side of it, while the recommendation here is to keep the tendency of the sky coherence on the bottom of the box and the coherence of the ground coherence on the top of the box even during the day, but to keep it that way at night as well so that the alignment is strong and rooted in relapsing days with no end rooting you deeper into your own reality.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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we must prepare the world to make it proper for God so god is not awesome in war but in peace..

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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it can grow from the outside in or middle out with out in as the standard here for by basic moksha intuition of phsycia reality formulating which gives a sorcerer spell motor or point. this third way is good for one who lets even just the refueling of the imaginative boxes however strong the magic is, in the physical, while the great reasoning can let much wholesome and proportionate advancement nevertheless from one step of the science project until the next, while the harvested energies can then be used by the one way or even the two way anyways for the purpose of filling the sun within which could be just one in the middle or two on the up and down or even of the two disks or one made out of found balance coming from the middle while as the point is to use subtler energies to charge both at the same time before fusions, the practice of taking out above or below with the proper mindset of what is also still acceptable for expected success can know a level of balance which is successful through the samyama of again wholesome and proportionate handling and artifact growth of the prôpœritem

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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your own sense of what is real and what is not is the truest ratio while always practicing core philosophy is key to ensure that as lau tzu warned your senses are illusions which can be prevented by the greater design of the mind through always sharpening your health and being organized enough to remain greatly within proper safety health bounds. yogaforums.com by @veganstrinbean at the sanyas post is the place to go for the essential core philosophy by it's essentials which in fact essential for heaven.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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the transmutations and abjurations of the acceleration of the third set of nine minutes is in conjunction also getting a grip of the necromancy divination necromancy of the last 9 in 36 minutes.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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there is eneergy of knowledge used from the known of and understood vibration and frequency wisdom between the 100 small box sides and the larger 10th of mile made from small boxes, while there is to consider and incorporate how the 100 sided of small boxes is also made of directly larger boxes on its own leaving room for mentalist as the realms of the variables in physics is more and even for both and also vise versa

this is the direction to master so that the forging of the physics equation activity can become a very profound experiment.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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Gμν = 8πGTμν
this is about entanglement of gravity

8 x pi is 25.1327412287 and this is important because it is how many resting wizardly (25) inside of a box by that a box is half of a double shrunk 100 mile jiggly while a jiggly would hold 50 wizardlys since a 100 wizardly length at string form would be there as 100 across a .2953 feet.

G is the strength for speed of gravity while this factor is the most advanced within calculus while we like to only count to nine here or even 81 while 6561 or also of course 8100 is understood for the actual work that can be done while if a smaller number then the more vortex (the strength which comes from a box grid flex in accumulable mathematics) math is involved and the more of a conceptual equational mapping using metaphysics of grand purpose yet there especially whatever as yet again or at least as the basic stanza as standard promotion of method which is from the astro through geo through then quantum in the mind of the bio reasons and bio limits which bring great wisdom intelligence and create great spiritual and yet anyways also growth strength.

T is the period of oscillation which is important because the 25 has a catching frame which obsorbs from open doors from up that path of the greater slide of calculus which gives (nse of open doors Albert https://www.youtube.com/live/yiMdUEWx3_ ... zEa6r7NlVc lolol give thanks to the doors of heaven as that is enough fo0r all people, are you ready for that humble move in your life) while the vortex would capture whatever strength of bits by the number of particles that light works like being as which has the value of the particles within as these particles are able to be scanned there to count the strength of the gravity by the speed in the context to the type and amount of mass of the substance that saturated the strings and their aura as both solvents which are there as what can bring pulls on the space fabric which has additionally fusion which keeps the fabric pulling in like the sun burning sucking in outer space which works along with the crossing magnetics like explained in the magne3tic grid which can have the gravity of the synchronization which is of the bigger frequencies that can still be fused down by auracoherence energy melting burn which can shrink down the greater ratios which come from a less particular and greater gravity while this pulls things in and when in alignment to the source of the object of which gravity pulls to the rate of the objects fusion absorption, there then there the acceleration is greater.

μ is the period of friction by that the amount of fusion that is happening by the general feeding from coherent or from the finer fitting of the chemicals will therefore create a denser saturation of which of the correct matter will give the gravity a stronger stablizing basefreeze or meltforge constant while the general burn is able to create the fusion of the even just vibration frequency quantum collected having collected the astronomical or geo status which then through the aligned coherence there it makes another coherence to the object being pulled itself which can then use that frequency of the more general relativity in the geo and quantum to cohere to the astronomical geo gravity alignments making the resource of energy within the aura very efficient and enough so to be super gravitated.

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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key number here by the 4 box distance space to understand as the remaining value between 96 and 100 which is harmonic as four to a four minute spell rate of value constant in physics, so we should then work with the numbers 432 (4x108) and especially 324, 324 comes from 27 compact wizardlys amounts 12 rows giving sides with values of 324 and 12 slices of them while the tip of the cube has 144 by 12 per row and 12 per column. so one grid crossing of the mentalism planes nevertheless here is between perhaps four planes layers of entanglement (though it works in this vortex math as actually raw material) of 324s, so this is also 48 out of 144 above or below while 324 x 4 =1,296 and 324 x 12 =3,888.
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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

The factors of 1296 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 27, 36, 48, 54, 72, 81, 108, 144, 162, 216, 324, 432, 648, 1296

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

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so obviously also 1296 is apparently the other key number as its own third that it is has 12 within as they correspond with 108 by 12 sets of 108. so there are 36 sets of 108, and this constant can work as the activation of a dark matter/energy within the special/specific working of those 36 minutes of a certain great example type of strict coherence

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Re: a special samyama and some wisdom of boxes

Post by JMPtD »

there are formulations between for example a wizardly .002953 feet and the next quantum / first of five quantum in the group of six by five plus the .002953 feet. so each stop along the way is as a good ole functionality key with their own cloud matters that where masses formulated all having the laws of energy intertwined. so the advice key is to keep in mind a lot that the things harmonic as a size for the hand work can be expanded by 10s or even 14400s and can be shrunk by 14400s or even 10s

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